International Subscription Foodbox 
Want an easy way to learn how to make international foods at home? Resa International Subscription Foodbox is for foodies who love to eat new foods, but in the comfort of their own home. Choose a signature dish from more than 50 countries, and let your taste buds travel!​​​​​​​
Scope of Work
Branding  |  Packaging  |  Strategy  |  Design  |  Art Direction  |  Concept Creation  |  Research  |  Illustration  |  Prototyping  |  Advertising  |  Copywriting  |  Logo Design  |  Naming  |  Graphic Design
The Product
Since the signature dishes are from all over the world, the concept of the design of this product is too. With this prototyped foodbox of Turkey's doner kebab, it includes a recipe postcard, a passport for stickers from each countries' dish, and all the ingredients for your meal right in a suitcase-styled box, that will be delivered right on your doorstep! The Korea and Russia foodbox prototypes and recipe postcards are featured too.
Continuing the theme of travel onto Resa's website, I included the "3 easy steps" for ordering a foodbox from Resa: Search where you want to "travel to", "book" the signature dish for the destination, and finally, "no need for baggage claim!" because your Resa foodbox will be deliver to you.
The ad campaign is called "Taste a bite of ...". I put the ad in an airport because even though the product is a foodbox, the written copy fits the travel concept of the product. 

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