Operating Principles
I was given the five Bain & Company mission statements and a circular design that went with each statement. I was tasked to design only font and font and image wall murals. Starting with finding inspiration images, I began designing different concepts and redesigned three rounds of renders.
Collecting Inspiration
I used an online took called Miro board to collect images onto a shared art board. I collected images, focused on typography and layout, that inspired me to move forward creating concepts and designing.

First Round Ideation
I used one of the Bain & Company mission statements in each row to inspire and ideate designs.

Second Round Ideation and Iteration
I solidified concepts, after critique from the Art Director, from the first round ideation and created 10 concepts. I iterated designs for concept two and three but ideated the rest and experimented with layouts.

Third and Final Round Ideation and Iteration
Based off of the concepts from round two above, I finalized two concepts from round two and created more. I also continued to ideate designs. These were the final round of wall murals I designed.